7 Signs That Show Someone Loves You

It turned out that love not only manifests itself with a feeling of euphoria and butterflies in the stomach but that, in general, it has a very strong influence on our body: from uncontrolled flushing and sweating to profound hormonal and psychological changes. The external manifestations are sometimes so obvious that they can betray the lover, even if he pretends to appear completely disinterested.

Do you want to know if a person is in love with you?

At lovetimes, we believe that a forewarned man is worth two. After meeting a nice person, you may not realize your feelings immediately, but the physical symptoms will already be screaming at the rooftops about what's going on. And, on the contrary, after you have studied these nuances, you will be able to understand approximately what emotions the other person feels for you.

7. A hormonal imbalance

Scientists have long established that the cause of strong feelings is a certain set of hormones. When there is a release of all of them in the body, a person begins to experience love and passion that, apart from that, they cannot completely control. However, men and women face different symptoms of falling in love.

At first, their emotional and sexual preferences coincide; in men, oxytocin is actively produced, making them more romantic, tender, and attentive; in women, it is testosterone, which explains an increase in sexual arousal and strength. But later, unfortunately, nature balances everything out and returns to normal, so after a while the hormones come into order, the women get little attention, and the men get a few strokes.

6. Voice alteration

Changes in the body do not stop even after the stage of "burning love" is left behind. For example, there is a change in voice. According to one study, in a conversation with their beloved men, women's voices inadvertently become louder and softer. At the same time, in another study, researchers found that women can consciously manipulate their voices to make them deeper and more vibrant, which makes them look more attractive.

But the secret is that men subconsciously prefer and are attracted to women who speak with a high-pitched, "feminine" voice because they instinctively define a woman as being loving, gentle, and suitable for a long-term relationship. While a deep voice excites only on the physical level, it indicates more about sexual interest.

5. Uncontrollable flushing

The boy or girl of your dreams comes into a room, gives you a brief, affectionate smile, and walks by. Almost nothing has happened, but you already feel the blush appearing on your cheeks, which you can't control.

Modern psychologists have discovered that blushing is even useful and reveals a person's best side. According to one theory, this is a natural reaction to the fact that we were discovered. Psychologist Ray Crozier, after interviewing many respondents, concluded that most of the time this happens when there is a danger of revealing certain personal information, and not only in uncomfortable situations.

I mean, it's a physiological reaction to the fear of public disclosure of any secrets. How does that evoke sympathy? It's simple: an embarrassed face in such cases makes it clear to others that you want to avoid unnecessary attention, so we look more modest and less narcissistic. And if you consider that blushing cannot be imitated, then it is easy to conclude that this is one of the few signs of honesty that is beyond suspicion.

Read also: Signs He Pretends to Love You

4. Men's bones become stronger

Good news for the men. A study by the University of California at Los Angeles showed that men who have stable relationships or marriage (especially after age 25) have stronger bones. But only on one condition: whether the relationship or marriage is happy, and whether the woman in these relationships is sensitive and supportive. During the tests, it became clear that if the girl was not tender and loving, there was no such characteristic in her man's body.

3. Pupil dilation

The eyes play a very important role in the flirting process, and their changes and movements are one of the most precise signals that transmit the mood in the communication process of lovers.

Science has already shown that pupil expansion depends not only on illumination, but also on emotional excitement. They can even be 4 times larger than in their normal state. That's why people in a couple often look each other so hard in the eye; they simply unconsciously wait to see this change, to confirm that the person in front of them has positive feelings and emotions.

2. Morbidity condition

Confusion, nervousness, constant mood swings, loss of appetite, and general discomfort are also the physical consequences of falling in love in its early stages. In other words, the body makes it clear that you have really strong feelings, and it is not just a simple interest that does not cause such suffering.

One of the reasons for such manifestations may be the stress hormone, cortisol, which begins to lead an active life in the body when a person falls in love, because this is a great stress and a sea of emotions. For example, it is known that because of this, the blood vessels in the stomach may constrict, causing nausea. As a rule, all these unpleasant symptoms pass over time, when the relationship becomes more stable and there are fewer uncertainties. But sometimes they can still come back, during the wedding or when something goes wrong in a relationship.

Read also: Does Anxious Attachment Affect Your Relationship?

1. Superpowers or "hysterical force

You've probably heard stories about how in emergency situations people do the impossible: how a mother picked up a car, under which her child was trapped, with her own hands; or how the children themselves suddenly showed enviable ingenuity to avoid danger.

The point is that the combination of deep love and enormous fear sometimes literally rewards us with superpowers. And it happens not only with parents, but also with people who are very much in love. And one should be grateful for this for the active development of oxytocin that occurs during the infatuation stage, which increases tolerance to physical pain. That's why people who experience this wonderful and strong feeling often seem to be able, at a certain point, to drop a star from the sky, move mountains, and put the whole world at the feet of a loved one.

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