Selfie Obsession is a Sign Of Mental Disorder

All people, but mostly women, are obsessed with selfies, and their insecurity often leads them to take a mini photo session every day, but what does all this indicate?

Selfie addiction is a real mental illness

Nowadays technology has invaded people's lives to the extent that a device as small as a cell phone can cause a great chaos in the life of the human being, because practically all his life is there, since this device has multiple functions, one of the most used by women is the camera, since with it they take dozens of selfies daily, the problem is that this obsession may be related to a mental disorder.

Over time, the functions that this basic device has has been increasing, now with the famous applications that allow you to do more things, for example, there are thousands of programs that are used to improve the photographs, ie filters, which often make the person unrecognizable.

Selfitis mental disorder

What may seem as simple as taking a picture and sharing it on social networks may be hiding an obsession with selfies, which may be related to a mental disorder, so it is important to know more about this problem that usually affects women more.

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According to an academic at the Faculty of Psychology, selfie addiction is an obsessive behavior characterized by the uncontrollable desire to take pictures of oneself and publish those photos with the sole purpose of getting many likes from their followers.

However, this seemingly innocent act can turn into an addiction when you look for that photo so insistently and that generates such a dependence that if it is not carried out causes discomfort in the obsessive person, which triggers serious problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible by a psychologist.

This problem of obsession with selfies exposes the low self-esteem of the person, it also indicates that they are looking for ways to get attention, and in more serious cases we are talking about personality disorders such as narcissism and body dysmorphic disorder which is nothing more than the obsessive preoccupation with the physical defects that the person believes they have.

On the other hand, here applies the saying "Tell me what you brag about and I'll tell you what you lack", as it has been shown that people who post more selfies on their social networks are those who have fewer physical friends, in addition to little intimacy and little closeness with people in the real world, finally other problems that this practice entails is attention deficit, depression, anxiety, personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder.

If a person is detected with this type of behavior now you know what is happening, therefore it is necessary to seek help from a specialist in the field to get the person out of this situation and live their life as normal without having to depend on a technological device and live worried about the opinion of others.

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